Photo: AP Foto:
Photo: AP Foto:

In 1892, the Yugoslav novelist Ivo Andrić is born. In 1961, the author of the book ‘The Bridge on the Drina’, won the prestigious Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1967, government troops in Bolivia captured and then shot dead the guerrilla leader Ernest Guevara de la Serna, better known by the name of Che Guevara. He was Castro's comrade in arms during the Cuban revolution.

In 1974, in Frankfurt the German businessman Oskar Schindler dies. During the II. World War, at great personal risk of death, he saved over 1200 Jews, he employed them in his factory.

In 1975, the Nobel Peace prize is awarded to atomic physicist and fighter for human rights Andrei Sakharov. This is the only instance in history when a scientist, who spent most of his life dedicated to the manufacture of weapons, was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

In 1986, in London the premiere is held of one of the most successful musicals of all times, Phantom of the Opera.

In 1981, the Slovene judoist Urška Žolnir is born.


1961 - reigning on the American charts is Ray Charles with 'Hit the road Jack'.

1965 - in the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart is The Beatles with 'Yesterday'.

1969 - for the first time in the history of the show, the BBC's Top Of The Pops producers refused to air the No. 1 song, ‘Je T’aime. . . Moi Non Plus, the erotic French language love song by Serge Gainsbourg and actress Jane Birkin.

1971 - on the British charts at No. 1 is Rod Stewart with 'Maggie May'.

1993 - Take That re at the top of the UK singles chart with 'Relight My Fire'.


1940 - John Lennon, member of the legendary group The Beatles (1967 'Sgt. Pepper's').

1948 - Jackson Browne, singer (1978 'Running On Emprty').


Leta 1701 so v Connecticutu ustanovili Collegiate School of Connecticut, ki se je pozneje preimenovala v univerzo Yale.

Leta 1892 se je rodil dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost Ivo Andrič. Njegova znana dela so Travniška kronika, Most na Drini, Gospodična.

Leta 1967 so v Boliviji vladne čete ustrelile gverilskega vodjo Ernesta Che Guevaro. Bil je Castrov soborec v kubanski revoluciji.

Leta 1974 je v Frankfurtu umrl nemški podjetnik , ki je med II. svetovno vojno pred smrtjo rešil več kot 1200 židov in jih zaposloval v svoji tovarni.

Leta 1975 so podelili Nobelovo nagrado za mir atomskemu fiziku in borcu za človekove pravice Andreju Saharovu. To je edini znanstvenik, nagrajen z nagrado za mir, ki je večino življenja posvetil izdelavi orožja.

Leta 1986 so v Londonu prvič uprizorili enega najuspešnejših muzikalov vseh časov, Fantom iz opere.

Leta 1981 se je rodila slovenska judoistka Urška Žolnir.


1961 - na ameriški glasbeni lestvici kraljuje Ray Charles s skladbo 'Hit the road Jack'.

1965 - na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov so The Beatles z 'Yesterday'.

1969 - prvič v zgodovini BBC-jeve oddaje Top Of The Pops se je zgodilo, da so producenti prepovedali predvajanje neke pesmi. To je bila 'Je T’aime. . . Moi Non Plus', erotična francoska pesem, ki sta jo zapela Serge Gainsbourg in igralka Jane Birkin.

1971 - na britanski lestvici zaseda vrh pesem 'Maggie May', Roda Stewarta.

1993 - Take That so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Relight My Fire'.


1940 - John Lennon, pevec skupine The Beatles (1967 'Sgt. Pepper's').

1948 - pevec Jackson Browne (1978 'Running On Emprty').

1957 - pevec Ini Kamoze ('Here Comes The Hotstepper').